Community Clubs for Social Change


Our community clubs model empowers young people to become vocal advocates for gender equality and social justice in their own families, schools and communities. We use participatory youth-friendly workshops to first develop the foundational knowledge and capacity of adolescent girls and boys. Then, we support them in establishing their own advocacy clubs within their schools or communities, and recruit new club members to inform and inspire others, creating a ripple effect of social change. These clubs are owned and driven by the young people themselves and allow them to take their new skills and knowledge and put them into practice on the ground. These clubs have unique names and identities with clear objectives and values, and a common vision shared among the club members for the social impact they want to make. 

How does it work in action?


Our community clubs model can be adapted to suit many different contexts. While we create and support our own Paper Crown clubs with various groups of girls and boys that we work with, we also partner with NGOs and other organizations who are already doing great work in the field and are looking to supplement their activities with an intervention that focuses on positive gender equality outcomes for their beneficiaries. To work with us, please click here.
